ReFaith’s MVPs are global thought leaders in the faith space.  Each answers a short questionnaire articulating their views on faith.  If you have a thought leader to nominate, please email us at

How do you define God?

My parent.

What’s the one question you’d like God to answer?

Why is there so much unnecessary suffering?

If someone asked you, “How do I develop my spiritual life,” what would you suggest?

By combating the instructions of my earthly masters.

What 3 historical figures would you host for dinner?

Pope Frances, Teilhard de Chardin, Joan Chittister

What is your favorite verse, passage, sacred writing, or quote?

“I was glad when they said unto me, come into the house of the Lord.”

If you had a single statement to make to the entire world, what would you say?

“God’s grace has made you free, why don’t you act like it.”

What delights God?

You. Me. Everyone.

What frustrates God?

You. Me. Everyone.


The Rev. Dr. Donna Schaper is the Senior Minister for Judson Memorial Church in Greenwich Village, New York City.  The Judson, a haven to many social justice movements, has long been noted for its acceptance of, and ministry to, immigrants, artists, laborers, the LGBTQ community and addicts.  

Passionately dedicated to The Judson’s mission, Rev. Schaper has authored 31 books covering everything from quiet spirituality to noisy activism.  She also regularly blogs for the Huffington Post and the United Church of Christ. 

Learn more at

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